Created by Xiaoxi Ma

The Queen's Gambit is an American TV miniseries from 2020 that captured everyone's attention at the time. However, after the craze wore off, I wonder what the real world of the world's top female chess players looked like.

Our data sources are this Kaggle dataset of top women Chess players (August 2020) and the till-this-April ranking data of The International Chess Federation(FIDE).

🤓 Okay, let's hover on the below map to see the the geographical and ranking information of these top players! Zoom in for a clearer view 🔍

1 2 3 4 5 6 10 14

*Note on reading this map:
The color scale above shows the total number of players, 1 = color: white, and 14 = color: darkest purple;
Country -> We use COUNTRY ALPHA-3 CODES here;
Players -> Total number of top female players;
Rank -> Personal Ranking in TOP 100 WOMEN (standard rating);
World Rank -> Personal Ranking in TOP 100 Players (standard rating) , which means this includes male players ;

After exploring the map above, there is one interesting aspect of the gap between their two rankings: their individual rankings among the top female players and among all top players. For example, if you hover over China, you can see Hou Yifan, who is ranked #1 in the TOP 100 WOMEN (standard rating) and #94 in the TOP 100 Players (standard rating). What does this gap mean?

Hope this data visualization will make us more curious about their world.

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